Thursday, October 27, 2016

Texas SR22 Insurance FAQ's

Texas SR22 Insurance

In a nutshell, Texas SR22 Insurance requires 30/60/25 coverage and must be carried for a minimum of 2 years. Continue reading for a more in-depth explanation.

What is a Texas SR22?

An individual that has had their driving privileges revoked or suspended due to an automobile accident, judgement, or conviction will be required to carry Texas SR22 Insurance. The certificate must be filed with the DPS and maintained for a period of 2 years and must include 30/60/25 liability limits (explained later).

An SR22 is a Financial Responsibility Certificate, which is a type of motor vehicle liability insurance. Many companies can provide an SR22, but few honestly want this type of driver. Therefore, you’ll want to contact an insurance broker that can shop the market, especially with those niche insurance carriers that you may not have heard about. While all Texas SR22 policies must carry a regulated amount of liability insurance, the pricing can vary greatly.

What Coverage Must be Included on a Texas SR22?

You must maintain the following liability coverage:
  1. $30,000 for bodily injury or death on a single individual.R
  2. $60,000 for bodily injury or death on two or more persons in one accident.
  3. $25,000 for property damage or destruction.

What Types of Texas SR22’s are Available?

Basically SR22’s fall into 2 separate categories; Non-Owner SR22 and Owner SR22.

Non-Owner Texas SR22

If you don’t own a vehicle, but still want your driver’s license reinstated so you can operate vehicles you don’t own, you’ll want a Non-Owner Texas SR22. This option is by far the cheapest option since there’s no liability to the insurance company to cover an automobile.

Owner Texas SR22

If you do own a vehicle,  you need to include your vehicle coverage with your SR22 Responsibility Filing. While this is far more expensive than a Non-Owner SR22, it will be required in order to have your driver’s license reinstated.

Texas SR22 Insurance

Driver’s License Reinstatement Requirements

In order to have your driver’s license reinstated after an SR22 has been ordered you must do two things:
  1. Pay any required reinstatement fees imposed by the DPS. You can find out what you owe by visiting the Texas DPS website.
  2. Obtain and maintain a valid Texas SR22 Financial Responsibility. The SR22 must be filed with the DPS, which most insurance companies will do for you electronically.
Once you have complied with these two mandates,  your driver’s license status will be changed from “ineligible” to “eligible” on the Texas License Eligibility website.

How to Contact the Texas DPS

While most correspondence can be filed electronically, there are alternate methods of providing the Texas DPS with your required documentation.

Mailing Address

Texas Department of Public Safety
Enforcement and Compliance Service
P.O. Box 4087
Autin, TX 78773-0320

Fax Number: 512-424-2848


If You Need a Different Type of Non Owner Insurance:

Florida FR44 Non Owner Insuracne:
Florida FR44 Non Owner Insurance:
Florida FR44 Non Owner Insurance:
Florida FR44 Non Owner Insurance (Mobile):

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